Bohdan B.

Vue.js developer
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Uzhhorod, Ukraine

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+ years experience
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up to $


With over 4 years in software development, my expertise primarily centers on front-end technologies like React, Vue, and Angular. I also have experience as a full-stack developer using NodeJS and PHP, and have worked as a test automation engineer with tools like Webdriver, Cypress, and Katalon. My background in Agile methodologies ensures effective collaboration and project management. I'm proficient in English, allowing me to communicate requirements directly with customers and provide detailed feedback. I approach new technologies and methods with an open mind, value team input, and strive for continuous improvement to contribute meaningfully to team success.


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Software Engineer | DevWeb

Apr 2021 - Feb 2024

- Developing solutions for a digital marketplace platform.
- Direct communication and requirements elicitation with customer.
- Implementing new functionality for a marketing technology company focused on marketing analytics, mobile marketing, and marketing automation solutions.
- Integration of a business intelligence tool called Looker into an existing analytics platform.
- Building a smart apartment lease and rent technology solution from the ground up.
- Integrating multiple lease/rent steps and services into a continuous flow.

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Automation Engineer | TestLab

Oct 2020 - March 2021

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Software Engineer | MedikApp

Software Engineer | MedikApp

Tech stack:


With over 4 years in software development, my expertise primarily centers on front-end technologies like React, Vue, and Angular. I also have experience as a full-stack developer using NodeJS and PHP, and have worked as a test automation engineer with tools like Webdriver, Cypress, and Katalon. My background in Agile methodologies ensures effective collaboration and project management. I'm proficient in English, allowing me to communicate requirements directly with customers and provide detailed feedback. I approach new technologies and methods with an open mind, value team input, and strive for continuous improvement to contribute meaningfully to team success.

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  • Uzhhorod National University

    PhD in Computer Science. 2022 - present.

    Uzhhorod National University

    Masters degree in Computer Engineering. 2016 - 2021

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