Developers On Demand

Your project will never slow down because you're still in search of a developer. We know how to find on-demand software developers who match your requirements. Save your time and optimize your budget. Developers from all over the world are eager to work with you.


Need a developer with a specific skill set right here, right now?

On-demand developers are on the spot! Give us a list of requirements, and be ready to jump on the first call with your new engineer.

woman with balloon

Candidates that match

You expect to see a dev with a defined level of seniority and a particular experience. We know how to find a developer with the required skills and hire a hero for you.

man with notebook and pencil

Paperwork is on us

Get rid of the hustle and bustle of preparing the contracts and managing accounting to stick to the laws of the region you hire from. We’ll do it for you.

hire worldwibe

Hire worldwide

Benefit from the enormous tech talent pool! Hire and work remotely with prominent talents from different regions, including Eastern Europe.


Warranties are solid

We guarantee the result. Our responsibilities are fixed in a contract. Need more on-demand software developers choice? We’ll offer you another perfect match.

woman with phone and pencil

Friendly support

You’ll want to call us, even if everything is OK – to get a pinch of energy and inspiration. Seriously. We’re glad to communicate and contribute to your business.

Stability is key

Negotiations with freelancers can be fussy. Is a freelancer responsible enough to fulfill the commitments? We provide you with grown-up and motivated developers on demand.

remote team

Suitable collaboration mode

Do you need a full- or part-time on-demand developer? What kind of contract are you interested in, long- or short-term? You’re free to choose the comfortable option.

access for remote work

Acces of remote work

Well-organized engineers are always on our radar since distant mode has become a trend. By the way, we ourselves work remotely and deeply believe in this philosophy.


The ultimate compliance

We provide contracts in complete accordance with local legislation. In EU, we have an entity that allows hiring professionals legally and quickly.

Scale up easily

You scale your team up and down effortlessly by hiring developers on demand. Let us add flexibility to your business. Behold scaling up on demand in action!

cost efficiency

Cost efficiency

The U.S. developers' pay rate is twice higher than of Eastern Europe. You optimize your investments by hiring in regions full of gems with considerably modest salary expectations.

man with phone

Personal contact

Your potential team members aren’t distant aliens whose names you hardly remember. From the early hiring stages, you contact with personalities. You build rapport.

What Is Hiring Developers on Demand?

A company needs an on-demand developer when a team has a talent gap. It happens everywhere. Each company might need more developers with a specific skill set. Our service allows quickly scaling up an in-house or dedicated team.

A company needs developers-on-demand service when:

  • a project requires a developer with a particular professional profile, and the need is limited by a certain period, rather short than long;

  • a company is highly accurate with expenses and eager to pay strictly for a certain amount of work;

  • a team needs scaling up on the spot; otherwise, there is a risk of productivity dip and investment loss.

For startups, the service is a silver bullet since it helps avoid extra expenditures and allows finding a match for the opening in no time.

STARNAVI has been a developers-on-demand provider since 2016. We hire engineers worldwide, so we can find a professional with the required skill set even if the task is really challenging. The only thing that can surprise you is our human-oriented approach and dedication to the job.


What Makes Us a Perfect Partner?

Since 2017, we have recruited over 300 fabulous software developers, vetted from a base of over 11,000 candidates!


In-House Hiring

Classic Outsource Company

Freelance Platform

Hire time

1-21 Days

1-6 Months

1-2 months

1-4 weeks

Vetting and screening process in place





Technology & industry match





Hiring and management costs






Easy, Unlimited

Difficult, Limited

Medium, Average

Medium, Average

Recruitment fees

Different Payment Models

$10K - $40K

Depends on a Project

% of Platform

Guaranteed quality






Very High



Very Low




Limited / Rigid

Fairly Flexible

Let Us Find
Your Perfect Software Developers

We make hiring easy.
A stellar, internal software development team is indispensable to any startup and growing business. You know you need one – ASAP – but where do you start?

Get in touch! Over the past 6 years, our team has vetted and selected top candidates with the skill set:

On-Demand Developers In Four Easy Steps

Nothing to worry about. The entire process consists of simple 4 steps. It helps us successfully start the process of searching for developers and finding them for your project.

Get in Touch
Challenge Identification StarNAVI

01. Challenge Identification

Just one call – and your problem becomes a task with measurable achievements. Our action plan is ready as soon as we know what engineer you need!


02. Searching

We use all channels and involve all contacts to find a superhero for your project. We assess developers’ hard and soft skills and offer you the best candidates.rom day one. Scale up your team easily by hiring engineers at certain stages of the software project development.


03. Estimation

You interview engineers who seem the best fit for your team. Then, you make the final decision on who you’re inclined to work with.

fast onboarding StarNAVI

04. Onboarding

We’re almost there! After managing all legal issues, we open your company’s door for a new teammate (figuratively). You start to work together. We cross our fingers ;)

More Services

Recruit that irresistible software developers you’ll trust. Many typical recruitment agencies use processes that attract many candidates but not quality ones. We strive to intimately understand the skills companies need to stay competitive.

staff augmentation

Staff Augmentation

Easily scale your development team. Reduce operating costs while maintaining productivity as much as possible.

Learn More →
dedicated team

Dedicated Team

Hire a remote team dedicated to completing your project. It is your silver bullet for flexibility and high efficiency.

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developer on demand

Developers on Demand

Collaborate with highly skilled and curated talent that can be appointed quickly. Our developers are selected to be the best possible match for your requirements.

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busines process outsourcing

Managed Software Development

Our web development experts can transform your ideas into functional digital solutions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions you may find interesting. Don’t see your question here? Reach out, so we can get it answered for you!

What Is Developers On-demand Hire?

The term – developers on demand – is a hint. The service’s core is hiring the engineers your team needs right here, right now. It’s a silver lining for the teams which face talent gaps and aren’t ready to spend a fortune to find the perfect fit for a position. A need for a developer with a certain skill set doesn’t occur out of the blue. However, chances are that you will face the expertise dip one day. Let’s say you find out that you lack Ruby on Rails or Angular developers. To hire such a professional yourself, you need more than your intention and time. To succeed, one needs to know the answers to three questions, at least:

  • Where to find the developers?
  • How to assess their skills?
  • How to hire them?

It could make sense to dive into the topic if your team needs a long-term collaboration or, at least, you expect a developer tol be a part of your team for a prolonged time. But what if you need a professional to perform just one task – complex and vital – but one? It could turn out that you’ll spend more time searching, vetting, and onboarding than how long a developer will work for you. It sounds like nonsense, doesn’t it? That’s why this service has found its place in the market: searching for an on-demand developer who will be a part of your business as long as your team needs and any minute longer. As you see, one of the biggest model’s strengths is flexibility. It’s almost like a date with no strings attached, apart from the fact that, in the IT team, there are obligations and fixed conditions which expire once the job is done.

Although the collaboration is limited by a specific time span and a set of tasks, it doesn’t mean that hiring is easy and a company is free from solving legal issues and paperwork. Let’s assume you’ve found the perfect match for your project. The next step is signing the contract and managing accounting. Add the security issue to this organizational hustle and bustle. How to protect your data? How to prevent intellectual property loss? Now you’ve got more questions than answers. Contact StarNAVI – and you will get all the answers to your questions. We’re ready to lend you a shoulder while hiring a dev on demand at any project stage.

How Do I Hire Developers on Demand?

The service implies engaging a third-party partner. Otherwise, you deal with a task yourself: search, vet, and onboard. By contacting an HR vendor, you put the burden on the partner’s shoulders. In this case, the question “How to hire on-demand developers?” shifts its meaning. Once you’ve found a company you can trust, all you have to do is to tell them what you need. The hiring starts the day you shake hands.

We’ll describe the process briefly just in case you’re interested in making a sneak peek at what’s going on backstage:

  • An HR vendor searches for potential candidates using several channels. The primary source is the vendor’s pool of talent – professionals with confirmed skills. The bigger the pool, the higher the chances of signing the contract in no time.
  • A partner shows a client a list of candidates whose skills and experience are appropriate.
  • A client picks out the developers most welcome to work on a project.
  • A vendor vets the candidates who seem the perfect match. Vetting is multi-dimensional. An HR partner appraises hard and soft skills paying special attention to personal traits such as responsibility and a proactive mindset.
  • After vetting, both sides make the final decision on who should be hired.
  • An HR vendor makes an offer and provides signing the contract and all the papers required by the local laws.

So, a client’s task is to identify the developer’s professional profile and to make up a list of required characteristics. We can handle it ourselves if you don’t see clearly what kind of professional you need. Tell us about the talent gap in your team – and we will offer a solution. Let your business scale up as fast as possible with the best devs ever!

What Are the Benefits of On-demand Developer Hiring?

Searching for a developer with a niche skill set can be daunting; finding candidates on freelance platforms or through social networks takes time. It takes even more time to evaluate their competence. Even if we’re talking about a developer with ordinary skills, it’s also challenging. Let’s say you need a backend developer with a specific tech stack for two months. We have several backend developers who fit you available in the market. All of them would prefer to work on a long-term project; thus, they aren’t interested in our position.

So, the task boils down to finding the number of matching expectations: yours and your potential developers’. You understand the difficulties if you have ever tried to buy a present for a friend with sophisticated tastes. This watch is too expensive, this one lacks functions, that one has a poor design, etc. We know you’ll handle buying presents, but what about hiring an outstanding dev with a fixed list of skills for the time you need him? By delegating this task to a third-party vendor, you save your effort. While you expand your business, we do our best to find the perfect match for your project.

Other on-demand software developers search merits include:

  • the quick result – it’s possible to hire an engineer within a few days, including solving all legal issues;
  • hiring within a budget – the search cost and developer’s salary is reasonable, and you know what you pay for on every step of collaboration;
  • the high-security level – by signing the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with a developer, we provide your data protection;
  • collaboration flexibility – hire a developer on a full-time or a part-time basis;
  • the wide range of professionals – we can reach out to developers from any region.

The contract lasts as long as a company needs a professional, so there aren’t any extra expenditures. As for the payroll options, the most common are to pay for the developer’s working hours weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. We’ll offer you the best billing model, depending on the requirements, deadlines, and particular preferences.

Are There Any Upfront Fees?

One of the advantages of collaboration while hiring developers on demand is complete financial transparency. There aren’t any upfront, additional, or hidden fees. We discuss the financial issues on the heels of the moment when a client makes up his mind on our capacity to handle the task. After considering the request in detail, we estimate how many resources we need to close the client’s talent gap. Then we offer three payment models according to the task’s complexity. Each option meets the client’s budget.

We provide financial clarity by discussing every service we’re ready to provide and the expected results. The model is simple: you pay for what is done. If you’re not satisfied with the outcome, we make up for failing your expectations by finding a more effective solution.

Let’s consider an example. We find a tech talent for you. After two weeks of collaboration with a team, it becomes clear that a developer doesn’t match your team lead’s vision of dealing with a project. In other words, a team isn’t comfortable with a new teammate.

Such a case can slow down the work pace, even entail a halt if a new team member decides to quit. We consider it unacceptable. That’s why we replace a developer who doesn’t meet the client’s expectations without additional payment.

We’re responsible for the result and eager to gain clients’ trust. We follow the searching and hiring technologies which provide the solid outcome, and we’re ready for additional effort when some unpredictable factors come to play. Additional effort doesn’t mean additional fees. We fix our responsibilities in a contract and follow the agreement terms focusing on the client’s financial comfort. Moreover, we’re happy to contribute to our clients’ businesses and watch them grow!

Will I Manage the Developers?

Sure. We help you hire, but you’re the only manager – you or someone you delegated the decision-making function to. In most cases, it’s a project manager or a team leader. Your HR partner isn’t responsible for your team’s productivity (unless it’s hiring a dedicated team as a service). So, whether a new developer will boost your team’s capabilities depends on your staff. On the other hand, chances of success are higher if a recruiter from the very beginning hones in on the candidates whose soft skills and personal traits align with a company’s corporate culture and current tasks pool. From this point of view, we provide the conditions for productive collaboration and, as a result, reduce the risk of mutual disappointment.

From the first working day, a new developer is a part of your team. Within the development on demand frame, collaboration may be short-term. Is it vital to assimilate a new developer into corporate culture? It’s up to you to decide. One thing is definite: a new teammate should follow the company’s rules, be responsible for each task, and appropriately use all the tools that back up a smooth workflow.

Your HR partner provides the background for productive team cooperation through the onboarding procedure. From the very first day, a developer is informed about formal issues such as scheduling, software use, and communication nuances. There are a few things an employer can do to motivate a newcomer:

  • ask for feedback regularly;
  • meet a new developer’s expectations when possible and if they don’t contradict the corporate values and goals;
  • nourish the friendly and supportive relationships within a team.

What if a developer hired with our assistance shows the qualities that work as hurdles for productive work? We’ll do our best to overcome the potential conflict and help a new teammate get on well with the colleagues. Otherwise, if a contradiction is insurmountable, we’ll recommend a replacement and find a new professional.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire On-demand Developers?

It’s hard to give a particular figure when it comes to hiring for development on demand. Really. First of all, the final expenditures depend on professional specialization, and this is a field where the numbers fluctuate considerably. Add to this the differences in expertise levels, and you’ll get the statistics variety able to confuse. According to Upwork, the hourly rates for Java developers, depending on their seniority, are as follows:

  • beginner – $25;
  • intermediate – $49;
  • advanced – $160.

Development expertise cost differs depending on the country, too. In the USA, an hourly Java developer’s rate is $48, in Poland – $14, and in Ukraine – $7.

How much will your developer cost? If we tried to compose an equation describing the final figure, it would include at least four variables:

  • specialization (common vs niche);
  • seniority level;
  • the hard and soft skills uniquely combined in one person;
  • advanced – $160.

That’s what differentiates a collaboration with a staffing agency from an independent search through freelance platforms. When your partner is a custom software development and IT staff augmentation company, you can be sure that your team is always on duty, in full force. There is a reliable way to reduce the risk that a newly hired developer jumps a ship. Motivation is key, hence, our task is to filter out the candidates who are reluctant about their professional plans and find the right ones: dedicated, and aware of the value of the offer they can get from a reliable employer.

To wrap up, it’s worth mentioning that outsourcing and team augmentation in particular are more cost-efficient in contrast to hiring an in-house team. First of all, by delegating all managerial and financial issues to the partner, an employer saves money which otherwise was spent on HR managers and accountants. Secondly, “outsourcing” is a synonym for “remote”, so, a company doesn’t face office maintenance expenditures. In the case of a team expanding, the only challenging task for an employer is onboarding and knowledge transfer. When a candidate is motivated enough, onboarding gets easy.

How Do I Hire Developers at StarNavi?

There is more than one way to hire IT staff in partnership with StarNAVI. You choose the collaboration model that fits best your current needs in tech personnel. One of the options which an IT staff augmentation company is glad to offer you is to enrich your team with professionals which match best your projects’ needs. The set of the services includes:

  • on-demand assistance in outlining the professional profiles of the candidates who are expected to fill the talent gaps in a team;
  • searching for the candidates whose expertise matches the demand;
  • vetting developers to evaluate both hard and soft skills;
  • region a developer is from.

To find out how much it will cost to hire a dev on demand, contact us and outline your recruitment goals. You might have drawn up your budget, and your partner will be happy to see the figures. Your calculations will be a foothold for the in-depth search strategy.

What if you’re forced to operate within a tough (we don’t say a shoestring, but are ready to tackle it) budget? How will your partner find a developer if the investments are limited? An experienced vendor with a thriving candidate pool will handle the task. It’s an issue of sincere and concise communication, a strong brand, superior analytical skills, and a desire to fulfill the employer’s and the employee's needs. The remote job market opens up the opportunity to hire worldwide and work with seasoned developers whose salary expectations are close to the company’s wage fund. Such a pliable approach allows hiring engineers with the required experience at a reasonable price.

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