Hire Remote Developers Cost-Efficiently And Smoothly

Can hiring programmers be smooth sailing? STARNAVI says "YES!" once you have everything you need at hand. We have a pool of vetted candidates and a team of talented recruiters. All aboard!

hire with StarNAVI

Hire Remote Software Developers In Four Steps

We stick to the solid scheme to make the hiring process concise and productive, yet we adjust the algorithm to your project's needs.

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goal setting

01. Goal Setting

We take the most out of the first conversation to save your time while going through the process. To hit the target, we need information about your project and positions you expect to fill. Our goal is to find remote developers who match your team best.


02. Searching & Screening

We use several channels to reach out to talents while focusing on vetted devs. After screening CVs and reference checks, we get your feedback and arrange interviews with developers you're ready to contact personally.

HR and Motivation Management StarNAVI

03. Interviewing

STARNAVI's recruiters did the homework – found the right devs and introduced them to you. Now the ball is in your court. Enjoy in-person communication with gifted programmers. Make sure they will become your company's strong asset.

fast onboarding StarNAVI

04. Onboarding & Blasting Off

We'll manage signing contracts and the NDAs, set up accounting and payroll so that you can focus on helping your new teammate settle in. Hire top developers with STARNAVI to onboard the new devs effortlessly.

Let Us Find
Your Perfect Software Developers

We make hiring easy.
A stellar, internal software development team is indispensable to any startup and growing business. You know you need one – ASAP – but where do you start?

Get in touch! Over the past 6 years, our team has vetted and selected top candidates with the skill set:

Benefit from Cost-Efficiency and Warranties While Hiring With STARNAVI

To hire top developers, we use solid algorithms, allowing flexibility in every step to adjust the processes to the client's needs. Hand-picked coders, warranties, and business process outsourcing have become our hallmarks.

Vetted Developers

Vetted Developers

Save your time by contacting devs who potentially fit your tech and human requirements.

Business Process Outsourcing

Business Process Outsourcing

Our legal entity in the EU allows you to hire developers offshore with full compliance.

Cross-Cultural Team

Cross-Cultural Team

Hire in Eastern Europe and other regions to make your team broad-minded – and cost-beneficial.

The Mindset for Remote Work

The Mindset for Remote Work

We recommend developers ready to work remotely at full capacity from day one.

Augmentation on Demand

Augmentation on Demand

Every moment is right for expanding your team – because your project needs it.

Direct Contact With Devs

Direct Contact With Devs

Nothing works out better than personal contact. Fine-tune the relationships from the outset.

STARNAVI's Whole-Range IT Staffing Services

Recruit that irresistible software developers you’ll trust. Many typical recruitment agencies use processes that attract many candidates but not quality ones. We strive to intimately understand the skills companies need to stay competitive.

staff augmentation

Staff Augmentation

Easily scale your development team. Reduce operating costs while maintaining productivity as much as possible.

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dedicated team

Dedicated Team

Hire a remote team dedicated to completing your project. It is your silver bullet for flexibility and high efficiency.

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developer on demand

Developers on Demand

Collaborate with highly skilled and curated talent that can be appointed quickly. Our developers are selected to be the best possible match for your requirements.

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busines process outsourcing

Managed Software Development

Our web development experts can transform your ideas into functional digital solutions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions you may find interesting. Don’t see your question here? Reach out, so we can get it answered for you!

How To Hire Good Remote Developers?

To answer this question, let's clarify what "good" means. StarNAVI team's notion of sound software engineers for hire is straightforward. To provide continuous product development, a software company should find the perfect match – a developer who fits technically and culturally. That's what "good" implies. Team's augmentation with a good fit is a result of the step-by-step process built on technologies and polished by hands-on experience (which, in turn, is based not only on achievements but also on slips, to tell the truth).

Beware of confusion based on the impression of talent abundance in the international market. The number of registered freelancers on Upwork reaches 18 million. Can you just contact some of them who have the appropriate skill set and seem reliable?

Sure, you can. However, let us give you a piece of advice: provide an uncompromised vetting procedure for all remote developers you're going to hire. Use the following criteria for matching candidates' strengths and project's needs:

  • tech skills;
  • proficiency in communication and time management;
  • motivation level;
  • command of English.

Combing through the pool of candidates drastically narrows down the number of decent developers. When you screen CVs and freelancers' profiles, it seems the whole world is under your feet. After a week, you find out you have nobody to make an offer to. Searching for senior DevOps with proficient English and the culture code close to the company’s mission takes months. Take into account the high cost of mismatch. The possible consequences of the mistake when you hire remote developers include broken deadlines, undermined reputation, and profit loss.

Even strict vetting is not a guarantee. It happens that a freelancer bids you farewell, being attracted by a more lucrative offer. StarNAVI's piece of advice for such a case is to seal the deal by signing a contract. The optimal way of hiring developers offshore is to collaborate with an IT staffing partner who knows all the pitfalls, obvious and glossed over.

What Should I Know Before Hiring A Remote Developer?

Any process’s success boils down to setting the goal correctly. The same is with hiring a remote dev. The clearer your vision of the position is, the bigger your chances are of finding a good fit. The first thing you should take care of is making up a list of required hard and soft skills. Besides, it’s important to be clear about the contract’s lengths and a collaboration form. Let’s put all the issues into the shortlist of things worth pondering on before you decide to hire a software engineer:

  • the key characteristics of the role – desired tech stack, seniority level, soft skills, command of English;
  • collaboration terms and conditions – contract duration, the start date, the contract form (full-, part-time, or freelance), the payment model.

When hiring offshore, legal compliance is a big issue that requires deep expertise in the laws of the country the developer dwells in. To hire a developer for a project overseas, a company needs a legal entity in a foreign country to contract developers, benefit them and pay taxes.

What looks like a few lines of the text turns out to be the big challenge for a team eager to fill in the talent gap. There are risks which aren’t obvious – unless you have an IT staffing partner who focuses your attention on them before you face an obstacle. For example, a gap in an NDA can cause data loss which is a threat for the whole business. Luckily, you can avoid it easily by hiring under the guidance of a reliable staffing partner.

Software company ready to hire a software programmer for remote work has two options:

  • Tackle the task by itself.
  • Delegate the most challenging pieces of work to a competent partner.

The second option has a number of advantages. An IT staffing team will provide a concise, legal, and technology-based hiring process resulting in your team's augmentation. StarNAVI is here to help.

What Are Some Tips To Improve The Recruitment Process?

Thinking about improvements makes sense when the main job is done properly, by using the relevant approaches and tools. Let's check if you hire remote developers professionally:

  • Your recruiting process is goal-oriented. Before you reach out to a candidate, you have a clear vision of what developer you need and why. Your job listings reflect your clear picture of the role.
  • You have a pool of candidates with confirmed hard and soft skills who are ready to launch as soon as they get an offer relevant to their experience. This pool represents a wide range of specializations and software technologies.
  • Your vetting procedure is rigorous, unbiased, and covers hard and soft skills.
  • You cross-check hard skills. For example, you use a code assignment and tech interview to estimate the candidate's talent for coding.
  • To hire a software programmer, you rely on technologies and tools which help fill in positions within the shortest deadlines.
  • You can provide the high retention level of developers you hired.

We hope you're doing great and feel secure about your team's capacity. However, there is always room for improvement. Here are some tips on how to hire remote software engineers from StarNAVI's team:

  • Invest your time into staying in touch with developers of all seniority levels and software development fields. You never know who your business will need tomorrow. The bigger your candidates’ database, the higher your chances of finding the right fit for your project. With a large pool of developers, you can post a job ad – and get responses from relevant candidates within several days. It speeds up recruiting considerably.
  • Give feedback after each interview. It's an important component of your relationships with engineers. If you lack time for feedback today, be ready to face the lack of candidates tomorrow. Building trust always pays off.

Keep in mind that recruitment is a mastery. It's done best by the people completely immersed in the process. Consider collaboration with StarNAVI to hire remote software developers in Eastern Europe. We'll employ your superhero!

How To Manage Remote Developers?

If you're in search of some magical tools for managing distributed teams, chances are you'll be surprised. If you have experience in office-based software development project coordination, you have everything you need on the spot. Sure, there are some challenges you'll face; however, potential hurdles could be overcome easily by mitigating the potential vulnerabilities and using appropriate tools.

When you hire a full-time developer for a remote team, the most challenging part is keeping a high motivation level. Because of a huge dip in personal communication, engineers lose the team spirit – the feeling that works as an incentive for productivity and proactivity. The symptom can be cured by concise effort to enhance such company values as honesty, respect for each teammate's expectations, and mutual support in dealing with everyday tasks. Technically, regular online events help a lot. Here are some ideas for online meetings:

  • daily standups for planning, discussions, and experience exchange;
  • bi-weekly or monthly meetings for goal setting, reports, and sharing feedback;
  • virtual team-building activities (games, yoga sessions) for fun.

Communication is vital both for productive work and spreading the vivid vibe of camaraderie that drives a bunch of people to act as a well-coordinated team. Tools like Slack, Google Meet, or Zoom will help teammates stay in touch and provide a smooth workflow.

Time zone differences turn out to be challenging when companies hire remote software engineers. One solution worth considering is to choose coders whose working hours overlap with the employer's. If you find it reasonable, don't forget to tell your IT staffing partner how many working hours you expect to overlap. Sometimes, you can find that the difference in time is immense. Before you start searching for another candidate, think it over. Even with an eleven-hour difference, you can work productively. For example, you can meet online at the developer's 7 AM and your 6 PM.

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