Remote Job For Skilled Software Developers

Remote vacancies worldwide, unbiased vetting, accounting services, and friendly support from colleagues who have already been through the mill :) STARNAVI is here to help you find the right project.

HR and Motivation Management StarNAVI

What you get as a developer

Get Remote Job Fast and Easy

Get Remote Job Fast and Easy

Senior, middle, or junior – we’ll find a remote job for each developer who is persuasive in adding value to our clients’ projects. Join software development teams worldwide. Grow professionally with STARNAVI!

Speak directly to hiring managers

Speak directly to hiring managers

Any extra moves to reach out to a project that requires your expertise! Contact a recruiter directly, tell us about your core skills – and we’ll start vetting in no time. As soon as you’re a pre-vetted candidate, our clients’ vacancies are open to you.

Complete legal & contracts support

Complete legal & contracts support

You contribute to software projects. We deal with legal issues, accounting, and paperwork. Feel safe about your contract's compliance – it’s 100%. Take off the burden of formalities while onboarding and all the way through the hiring process.

HR & Benefits management

HR & Benefits management

We take care of our developers’ motivation and shoulder the HR responsibilities, including payoff. Take advantage of the pay rate and the benefits package relevant to your expertise. Focus on creating solutions and evolve professionally.

How to join STARNAVI

Our process is quick and easy enough to move from unnecessary discussions to what you do best: write code for cool projects.

Get in Touch
HR interview

01. HR interview

Tell us about your experience and share your job expectations with a recruiter. The conversation goal is to reveal your strengths and discover what projects can bring you new opportunities.

English test

02. English test

Testing your English level is compulsory since we work with teams worldwide, and our clients expect easy communication through speaking, chats, and email.

Written code test

03. Written code test

Feel free to steal the show by outshining other devs! We provide you with an assignment perfectly adjusted to the position. Benefit from comfortable deadlines.

Technical interview

04. Technical interview

Your another chance to be a rockstar! Your interviewer is a partner: knowledgeable, wise, and interested in uncovering your talents. Only seniors conduct an interview.

Receive offers. Get hired.

05. Receive offers. Get hired.

Choose the best position from those that match your professional goals. Expand your expertise and create solutions for different industries all over the world.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions you may find interesting. Don’t see your question here? Reach out, so we can get it answered for you!

Who Is Eligible to Join STARNAVI?

We are not limited to tech stack or seniority level for developers eager to contribute to our clients’ businesses. STARNAVI is open to professionals from all IT fields, including backend, frontend, database developers, DevOps engineers, web and mobile apps developers, and QAs. Are you a junior programmer with 1+ years of experience? You’re welcome into our pool of candidates as a professional with a solid background of knowledge and a high motivation to grow in practical skills. If you’re a senior with 6+ experience, we’re ready to offer you the positions in ambitious projects, which open up for you a bunch of new career opportunities in the long run.

We’re ravenous about contacting developers of different specializations and maturity levels since the complexity of our clients’ projects fluctuate considerably. Today we’re starting to collaborate with a project that needs a few updates, and we’re happy to absorb the junior devs into a team. Tomorrow we may sign a contract with the industry leader, and we will search for middle or senior engineers with wide-range expertise in technologies. So, we’re ready to communicate with talented engineers regardless of their tech stack, and how many years of experience they have under their belts. However, we keep the proficiency threshold as high as possible. That’s why we’re glad to discuss our future collaboration if a developer:

  • has a strong background in certain technologies;
  • can handle practical tasks within deadlines;
  • has a technical portfolio, can provide information on how his work has provided value to particular projects;
  • is excellent in time management and communication;
  • is experienced in remote work;
  • has the level of English starting from the Intermediate (for juniors) and Upper-Intermediate (for the middle and senior levels).

Is your professional background solid enough to come to our list of the most prominent candidates? The best way to get an answer is to contact STARNAVI. Each candidate whose credentials match our requirements has a chance to become a part of our pool of vetted developers, a great launching site to blast off!

Do I Need To Pay Anything?

Absolutely no. We don't charge developers. Instead, we're ready to invest in you! Our recruiters will devote all their effort to matching you with a project that is devoid of the expertise you have. We're keen not only to find a position relevant to your experience and professional development goals but to provide you with support services such as signing contracts and accounting. We take care of your payments: our developers' pay rates are relevant to the market, and the payments are on time. We provide benefits packages that help our developers with their concerns about family, health care, life-work balance and other personal issues.

At STARNAVI, we consider talented developers an asset worth investing in and developing. That's why we do our best to build and support relationships with knowledgeable and motivated engineers ready to contribute to projects worldwide. As soon as we understand that we can make a strong partnership with a developer, we start to search for engaging, well-paid and relevant to developer experience roles. Once a software engineer passes through vetting, he will stay on our radars as long as he wishes. Whenever we see a beneficial position, we offer a job to our developers and provide all the support we can.

To benefit from the partnership with STARNAVI, be ready for the fullest engagement into our partners' projects. We focus on building long-term relationships with our clients worldwide; we're responsible and expect responsibility from our software engineers. We also expect proactivity and an ability to search for the solutions that increase the companies' profits, since our clients proceed in highly competitive markets.

All you need to come to our pool of pre-vetted engineers ready to kickstart our partners' projects is to contact us and go through the vetting procedure. We developed it to give our candidates an opportunity to showcase their most outstanding features within comfortable deadlines. We're sure you'll like our easy-going yet productive communication. What you'll enjoy even more is your career perspectives in offshore companies.

Who Are The Hiring Companies?

From the very start, we work remotely and provide tech talents for remote teams worldwide. So, our projects’ geography covers the EU, the U.S., Israel, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. So, by joining STARNAVI, you get an opportunity to add into your resume the companies’ names that represent markets with extremely high quality standards set by the IT industry’s behemoths. By collaborating with teams from distant parts of the world, a developer obtains the experience of dealing with different kinds of cultural DNA and approaches to project management. It’s an excellent way to enhance your cultural and professional versatility and career perspectives, as a result.

Which companies prevail in our network: big, medium, or small? Nurturing the relationships with clients, we don’t focus on stellar brands, the company’s size or the market scale. Instead, we center our attention on the client's reliability and compatibility with our values. From the first contact, we try to find out if we can contribute to each other’s business and provide a smooth workflow. Since the relationships core are values, not the ‘technical’ parameters, our list of real and potential clients includes companies of all sizes and advancement levels. We work with startups on MVP stages. We add value to big grown-up companies with established market positions.

STARNAVI’s portfolio covers projects from a number of industries: MarTech, Healthcare, HRTech, FinTech, and EdTech are the leading ones. You can find more cases on STARNAVI’s profile on Clutch. Nevertheless, we are open to every opportunity to apply our developers’ expertise to building innovative and promising products. We offer you to join our community of versed and open-minded professionals to hit ambitious goals!

What Does The Vetting Process Look Like?

You definitely know what vetting is. It's a procedure of skills estimation carried on by recruiters in collaboration with senior professionals from the industry. In the IT field, the number of steps in vetting changes depending on the position and the requirements. However, some stages are common for each vacancy regardless of the specialization and the seniority level. Criteria are standard as well. They are:

  • hard skills;
  • soft skills;
  • the level of English.

For each group of skills assessments, recruiters use off-the-shelf solutions such as tests or custom assignments adjusted to the particular role and company. The first option helps hire in shorter terms. The second one is more time- and mastery-consuming; however, it provides a complete match between the company's requirements and developers' skills.

At STARNAVI, we use both approaches, sometimes in a mix, to get the best result within reasonable deadlines. For example, a recruiter checks the level of English during an online interview, and we can offer a candidate passing a formal test later. For tech skill assessment, we use such tools CoderPad or DevSkiller CoderPad or DevSkiller and custom assignments, depending on the role and our client’s requirements. To show your tech skills, be ready for a live coding session. This assessment is most productive since it reveals not only technology acknowledgement, but also the way of thinking.

One of the compulsory tasks is a coding test. Usually, it takes up to 6 hours to handle it, but we give you a time slot large enough to dive in, ponder on the best solution and write a piece of code that reflects the highest level of your expertise.

Formally, vetting at STARNAVI includes four steps:

  1. Credentials cross-checking.
  2. An interview with a recruiter.
  3. English level check.
  4. Tech interview or writing code task.

In practice, we adjust vetting to the particular position and our client's vision. Though, some rules are unbreakable. For any developer, vetting is managed by senior engineers with confirmed expertise. For each candidate, strong command of English is a must. We do our best to provide unbiased vetting. However, our procedure is more favorable to candidates who are punctual and mature in time management. We hope, you wouldn’t mind dealing with such a “bias”.

Can I Find A Freelance Job Here?

We need to briefly clarify the terms to give a concise answer to this question. A freelance developer isn't bound to a company or a project. Usually, he finds a job on freelance platforms, and it's up to him to choose teams for collaboration. As a sheer freelancer, a developer does a fixed number of tasks for a client and switches to another project. It's possible to work on more than one project at the same time. A freelancer can become a contractor for a prolonged time but, in this case, we hardly can talk about pure freelancing. A developer becomes a part of a dedicated team, or it's an outsourcing model.

So, if you can expect from STARNAVI the freelance job, depends on what you mean by the term. The answer is no if you mean the maximum freedom to select the project and the short-term engagement. From the outset, we've been oriented to long-term relationships with our clients, and there are some reasons for that. We think that to add the maximum value to the project, we need time to:

  • dive in;
  • offer the most relevant candidates for a team;
  • agree to the terms and sign contracts;
  • build workflow.

We feel comfortable and inspired when we're entirely conscious about what we have to do and why. Such a position is rewarding since we can offer complex solutions that help our partners develop their businesses. We think there isn't a minor job in software development. Sometimes one feature retooling can enhance an app's usability, and fixing just one bug boosts software productivity.

However, we've chosen our priorities from the very beginning, and today we stick to them. We're oriented to close and prolonged collaboration. Thus, we're searching for developers who are ready to contribute to the long-run projects (starting from six-month term). According to our experience, it's really encouraging to see how your effort provides the project deliverables. As a staffing partner, we ensure the legal background for your work, relevant pay rate, motivating benefits package, and accounting. We're ready to provide you with mentoring and friendly support while you're taking the first steps in a new project.

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